European FP Projects and Projects of Structural Funds
Multilateral International Projects
Project name: Höganäs - Chair
Programme: Höganäs - Chair
Coordinator: Höganäs AB Sweden
Scientist in charge at IMR SAS: Doc.Ing. Eva Dudrová, CSc.
Realised: 06/2011 - 06/2014
Project name: Immersion in the Science Worlds through the Art
Programme: FP7-05, 26656
Coordinator: UNIVPM
Scientist in charge at IMR SAS: Prof.RNDr. Ján Dusza, DrSc.
Realised: 03/2011 - 02/2013
Project name: Innovative Materials Solutions for Transport, Energy and Biomedical Sectors by Strengthening Integration and Enhancing Research Dynamics of KMM-VINFP
Programme: FP7-06, 290526
Coordinator: European Virtual Institute on Knowledge-based Multifunctional Materials, AISBL
Scientist in charge at IMR SAS: Prof.RNDr. Ján Dusza, DrSc.
Realised: 02/2012 -01/2015
Structural Funds of the EU

Project name: Research Centre od Advanced Materials and Technologies for Recent and Future Applications "PROMATECH"
Responsible at IMR SAS: Prof.RNDr. Ján Dusza, DrSc.
Project No: ITMS 26220220186
Coordinator of the project: Slovak Academy fo Sciences
Realised: 30.8.2013 - 31.7.2015
Project name: Advanced Implants Seeded With Stem Cells for Hard Tissue Regeneration and Reconstruction
Responsible at IMR SAS: Ing. Ľubomír Medvecký, PhD.
Project No: ITMS 26220220032
Coordinator of the project: Institute of Materials Research, SAS, Košice
Realised: 1.1.2010 - 31.3.2012
Project name: Technology of Preparation of Electrotechnological Steels Processing High Permeability for High Effectivity Electromotors
Responsible at IMR SAS: RNDr. František Kováč, CSc.
Project No: ITMS 26220220037
Coordinator of the project: Institute of Materials Research, SAS, Košice
Realised: 1.1.2010 - 30.6.2012
Project name: Zvýšenie kvality využívania sofistikovaných zariadení a metód vo výskume a výučbe na ÚMV SAV
Responsible at IMR SAS: Ing. Anna Výrostková, CSc.
Project No: ITMS 26110230054
Coordinator of the project: Institute of Materials Research, SAS, Košice
Realised: 1.1.2012 - 31.12.2012
Project name: New Materials and Technology for Energetic
Responsible at IMR SAS: RNDr. František Kováč, CSc.
Project No: ITMS 26220220061
Coordinator of the project: Institute of Materials Research, SAS, Košice
Realised: 1.9.2010 - 31.8.2013
Project name: Building of the Infrastructure for "Centre of Excellence of Advanced Materials with Nano and Submicron Sized Microstructure"
Responsible at IMR SAS: Prof.RNDr. Ján Dusza, DrSc.
Project No: ITMS 26220120035
Coordinator of the project: Institute of Materials Research, SAS, Košice
Realised: 1.5.2010 - 30.4.2013
Project name: Slovak Research-Innovation Platform on Sustainable Mineral Resources
Responsible at IMR SAS: Prof.RNDr. Ján Dusza, DrSc.
Project No: ITMS 26220220053
Coordinator of the project: The Technical University of Košice
Realised: 1.1.2010 - 30.6.2013
Project name: Research Centrum for Combinated and Renewable Resources of Energy
Responsible at IMR SAS: RNDr. František Kováč, CSc.
Project No: ITMS 26220220064
Coordinator of the project: The Technical University of Košice
Realised: 1.6.2010 - 31.12.2013
Project name: Centre of Excellence of Ceramics, Glasses and Silicates
Responsible at IMR SAS: Prof.RNDr. Ján Dusza, DrSc.
Project No: ITMS 26220120056
Coordinator of the project: Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, SAS, Bratislava
Realised: 1.9.2010 - 31.8.2013
Project name: Centre Excellence of Biomedical Technologies
Responsible at IMR SAS: Ing. Ľubomír Medvecký, PhD.
Project No: ITMS 26220120066
Coordinator of the project: Faculty of Medicine, P.J.Šafárik University in Košice
Realised: 15.11.2010 - 31.10.2013
Project name: Advanced Technology of Preparation of Micro-Composite Materials for Electrotechnics
Responsible at IMR SAS: Ing. Radovan Bureš, PhD.
Project No: NFP 26220220105
Coordinator of the project: Institute of Materials Research, SAS, Košice
Realised: 1.12.2010 - 31.3.2014